
Dane G Hansen Community Grant for Logan County



application deadline


The Dane G. Hansen Foundation initiated a grant opportunity in March 2015 with Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation as an avenue to financially help support charitable activities in Northwest Kansas. With this funding, county-wide funds have been established, allocating grant funds to each to be used for projects benefiting the counties and/or communities within.

Logan County grant deadline is the last day of each month, end of day.

Qualifying Counties

Qualifying counties eligible for participation through GNWKCF include: Cheyenne, Decatur, Ellsworth, Gove, Graham, Logan, Norton, Phillips, Osborne, Rawlins, Russell, Sheridan, Sherman, Thomas and Wallace.

Fund Distribution

Annually, funding is made available for each of these county-wide funds as โ€œpass-throughโ€ grants: $25,000 being made available in April, and an additional $25,000 in September. This grant program will sunset at the end of 2025.

County-wide participation in aย Strategic Doingย initiative supported by the Hansen Foundation is required. Individual Community Foundations may opt to participate in theย Ripple Effects Mappingย process sponsored by the Hansen Foundation as well.


Grant applications are accepted online, and available to all counties listed above.ย The Dane G. Hansen Foundation serves a 26-county area in Northwest Kansas; the other eligible counties not listed can apply through theย Greater Salina Community Foundation.

Qualifying applicants

Grants are made to nonprofit organizations exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; and Educational, Governmental, and Religious Institutions. Grants are not made to individuals or businesses.

Please note โ€“ there are many nonprofit organizations that fall under a different IRS tax code that are not eligible. ย Please look into this prior to filling out your application.

Grantmaking criteria

Grants can address:

  • Education:ย Enhances the learning environment and expands opportunities for students in Northwest Kansas. Provides increased self-reliance on personal life skills and workforce capability.
  • Health Care:ย Ensure access to quality health care services and promotes healthy life practices.
  • Economic Development:ย Development of a robust and sustainable economy includes a diversity of businesses and quality job opportunities.
  • Community Social Services & Security:ย Enhance access to social services needed for individuals of special needs and supports systems to provide community disaster relief and general community emergencies.
  • Conservation & Environment:ย Support efforts to improve and maintain high air and water quality, appreciation for our natural environment and enhance economic and social benefits of outdoor resources.
  • Arts & Culture:ย Provide cultural and artistic opportunities to enhance the quality of life for local residents and to encourage tourism and the exchange of ideas.
  • Community Beautification:ย Support efforts to improve and maintain public spaces to enhance community pride and encourage socialization among residents.


  • Preference will be given to applications that utilize the Strategic Doing process and address county and/or community goals created through citizen asset mapping and visioning. Consideration should also be given to applications that include community involvement and volunteerism.
  • Grants shallย notย be used to reduce or replace regular budgetary needs for programs or projects that are tax-supported.
  • Grants areย notย awarded for endowment or general operating expenses.
  • Grants are not to be used for โ€œMatch Dayโ€ programs.

Application process

Applications must be received, complete with all items, through theย online grant application linkย no later than the day of the deadline.ย The deadline is the LAST day of each month**, in order to be reviewed the following month.ย **Note: Graham, Ellsworth, Osborne, and Russell Counties accept grants twice a year, not monthly. See their fund information for specific deadlines.

Generally, there is no maximum or minimum on grant requests. Some community foundations have established a maximum request and should be noted on the grant description when you apply for the application online. It is the intent of the Hansen Foundation that the Grant Funds be used to award multiple grants in each county. Each county foundation, at its discretion may choose to establish maximum or minimum limitations for the respective county.

If the request is for significant dollars (more than $10,000), covers multiple counties within the service area, is a multi-year request, or for a project that was previously funded directly by the Hansen Foundation, it is suggested the applicant apply directly to theย Dane G. Hansen Foundation.

Required documents to be uploaded

  • List of organizationโ€™s board members and their board positions
  • Recent financial statement (i.e. โ€“ income statement, balance sheet, annual spending budget) โ€“ not a full audit report
  • Budget sheet for project breakdown โ€“ download and complete:ย GNWKCF-Hansen-Budget-Sheet (EXCELย orย fillable PDF)
  • Organizationโ€™s IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter (exception โ€“ Governmental, Educational or Religious Entities)
  • Letters of support are generally not required butย HIGHLY encouraged. Up to three letters may be added.ย It is at the discretion of each community foundations as to whether or not they require letters of support.

Also, please ONLY attach PC compatible files in Adobe PDF, Excel (xls or xlsx), Word (doc or docx) or PowerPoint (ppt or pptx). ย MacIntosh /Apple file formats areย notย accepted.

Review process

Requests for grants will be made to the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation online and will be reviewed by local Community Foundation staff and / or advisory committees established within each county.

Applicants are notified by e-mail of an award or decline, normally within thirty days, with some exceptions taking up to sixty days from the application deadline. Applicants will be notified by e-mail if the committee chooses to table the application until the following month, which is usually due to the committee wanting additional information.

Final project report

A final project report will be required from all grant recipients. In addition to answering questions on the project and how the funding was used, you will be required to provide the following:

  • Receipts / Financial accounting of how the funds were used, and
  • At least one photograph (up to three allowed) of the final project. ย Please note that we enjoy photos with PEOPLE in them rather than just equipment. ย When you upload a picture with people in it, you are consenting to allow us to use the photo in marketing materials and/or social media. ย Do not upload pictures of individuals without consent.

The due date for your final report is set 30 days after your project is complete based on your estimated timeline as noted within your application. ย A request for extension may be allowed with sufficient reasoning.

Unused grant funds

Unused grant funds for the stated project must be paid back to the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation, PO Box 593, Bird City, KS 67731 and will be credited back to that countyโ€™s grantmaking Fund.

Additional Questions or Correspondence

Please emailย [email protected]ย or
call 785-734-2406 if you still have questions.

Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation
% Hansen Community Grants
PO Box 593
Bird City, KS ย 67731

GNWKCF received a grant in April 2016 and April 2018 from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation for the purchase of the Foundant Software that is now used for our online grant application process.

Click here to read the details.


Your questions answered

We highly recommend you read the questions in this section before you apply for a grant.

If you have questions that are not answered on this page, please contact us atย [email protected]ย or by callingย 785-734-2406.

Is there a document showing the submission process?

Yes. You can download a PDF giving detailed instructions on how to apply here:ย Download

When you click on theย Grant Application link, you will be redirected to the GNWKCF Logon Page. ย If you are a first time applicant, you will need to click on the button โ€œCreate New Accountโ€ and complete the following information:

  • Legal name of the organization
  • Tax ID / Federal Employee ID Number (FEIN)
  • Organization telephone number
  • Organization email address
  • Main organization mailing address (including city, state, zip)

Then click theย Nextย button

  • Main contactโ€™s name, title, phone number, and address
  • Email address for main contactย (NOTE โ€“ this becomes the username for the account logon)

Then click theย Nextย button

  • Answer Yes or No to whether or not you are the executive officer.
  • If No, click Next to enter that information
  • If Yes, click Next to continue to add additional executive officer information if needed

Thenย create a passwordย and confirm the passwordย (note that it must be at least 6 characters long)


You will then be prompted to confirm whether or not you have received an email that the account was created successfully. ย Check your email. ย If you do not receive the confirmation, be sure to check your SPAM or Junk Mail folder. ย You can continue without receiving this email; however, if it is not confirmed, you may miss important updates or notifications sent via email.

Contact usย atย 785-734-2406ย orย [email protected]ย if you have questions.

When you click on theย Grant Application link, you will be redirected to the GNWKCF Logon Page. ย If an application has been submitted on behalf of the organization before, you have two choices:

  1. Use the existing account information to apply
  2. Create a new logon for the applicant

It is always preferable to use an existing account if the organization has received prior funding; however, we understand that some organizations will have more than one person apply for funds. ย In these cases, each individual may create a unique logon for the organization. ย As long as the same FEIN number is noted, GNWKCF can combine the accounts on the back-end of the system. ย In this case, just follow the process to create a new logon.

If you want to use an existing account but cannot recall the logon information, click on theย โ€œFORGOT PASSWORDโ€ย button to have a password reset. If you do not remember the email account associated with the account, please call our office for assistance at 785-734-2406 or email us atย [email protected].

We understand that in rural Kansas, it is not uncommon for one individual to help write grants for multiple organizations. ย Unfortunately, the grant application portal will only allow one email address to be used for one organization account.

There is a new option to use a โ€œCollaborationโ€ feature in the grant management portal. ย Clickย HEREย to read how to use this feature.

If you believe there is an existing account setup for your organization but do not have that information, you can contact our office at 785-734-2406 orย [email protected]ย to request assistance.

At a minimum, you will need the following:

  • Federal Tax ID Number
  • 501(c)(3) verification letter from the IRS (exception โ€“ Governmental, Educational or Religious Entities)
  • Board member list

Apply Here

Apply to Dane G Hansen Community Grant for Logan County by clicking the “Apply Now” button