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The Sheridan County Community Foundation is an Affiliate Foundation of Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation with all funds managed by GNWKCF.


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Grants Awarded

In May, The Sheridan County Health Complex was awarded $10,000.00 to assist in the purchase of an electrocardiogram (EKG) machine allowing for two machines at the hospital. An EKG report is obtained for most patients experiencing cardiac issues in the inpatient, outpatient, and emergency room settings. The EKG machine gives information to the provider to help determine the best treatment option for the cardiac patient. When the patient is seen in the emergency room with chest pain, an EKG needs to be obtained within 10 minutes. This leaves no room for error and increases the importance of having a working machine along with a backup. The Sheridan County Health Complex will now have two EKG machines available for use at their facilities.

Hoxie Community Schools USD 412 was also awarded $772.50 in May to take the incoming 6th-grade class on a field trip in September 2023 to participate in the Smoky Hill Adventure Program located on the campus of Fort Hays State University in Hays. The program is an effective way to strengthen communication and conflict-resolution skills, improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills; enhance self-esteem and self-awareness, develop trust in oneself and others, promote responsibility and leadership; and build cooperation and teamwork.

In June, Little Paws Daycare (USD 316) in Selden was awarded $7,500.00 to help renovate the outdoor play area surface from a dirt area to a poured-in-place safety surface allowing for the children to safely run, play, and ride tricycles and bikes all over the backyard during their outdoor play times.

Also in June, the Foundation awarded $750.00 to the Sheridan County Benefit Walk organization to assist with expenses related to their annual event in June.

Sheridan County was granted $3,560.00 in July to help purchase two (2) digital radar speed signs to be posted on the north and south ends of Hoxie’s Main Street to encourage drivers to ‘Slow Your Roll’ as vehicles and trucks travel through the downtown area. It is hoped that the signs will increase awareness of the slower 20-mile-per-hour speed limit and enhance safety for residents and guests doing business downtown.

SCCF encourages area organizations to submit applications for their projects and activities online at for funding consideration. Applications deadlines are the last day of each month for consideration during the Board of Directors monthly meeting the following month.

Six categories are considered with making grants:  1) Education; 2) Health Care; 3) Community Social Services and Security; 4) Conservation and Environment; 5) Arts and Culture; and 6) Community Beautification.


Find out more about Sheridan County Community Foundation

About the Foundation

The Foundation became an affiliate of GNWKCF in 2012. An affiliate is a collection of community funds to increase philanthropic giving in a geographic area. Both endowed and non-endowed funds are developed to provide financial support to 501(c)(3) and other qualifying nonprofit organizations and for charitable purposes to benefit area residents.

The mission of Sheridan County Community Foundation is to encourage, prudently manage, and distribute charitable contributions to improve the quality of life in Sheridan County residents, now and in the future.


Learn about the team behind Sheridan County Community Foundation

Karl Pratt

Executive Director

Kerrisa Payne

Program Officer

Sofia White

Jason Weimer

Board Chair

Danielle Schiltz

Board Vice-Chair

Erik Gaede

Board Secretary / Treasurer

Janelle Cooper

Board Member

Tennille Giancola

Board Member

Christy Preston

Board Member

Charlie Foote

Board Member

Kash Schiltz

Board Member


Discover Sheridan County Community Foundation's impact on the community

Looking to see the way Sheridan County Community Foundation has helped the community in the past, LOOK NO FURTHER. See the pdf to the right for a complete listing of the grants we have awarded.

Past Grant Projects


Get in touch with Sheridan County Community Foundation

Sheridan County Community Foundation
PO Box 445
Hoxie, KS 67740

785-677-5090 – Phone

[email protected]

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Keep 5 in Kansas

We have an opportunity in Sheridan County to turn our hopes for the future into reality! If we capture a portion of the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next – even just 5% – by setting up endowments through the Sheridan County Community Foundation, we could provide a permanent source of funding for our local organizations and causes that will greatly improve the lives of the residents of Sheridan County.

Types of Funds

Designated Funds

Funds which support a specific charitable organization or community foundation designated in the establishing documents.

A charitable fund in which the donor recommends grants to charitable organizations of his / her choice. Download more information HERE.

A fund established to provide grants to specific causes (not just one specific charity) you designate such as the arts, education, health and human services, a geographic location, or the environment. Download more information HERE.

A fund specific to a named community foundation or charitable organization.

A fund to disburse scholarships to students meeting a set criteria (geographic, field of study, academic performance, community service, etc.), generally on a competitive basis, to be used for educational expenses. Scholarships are made payable to the educational institution on behalf of the student and not payable directly to the student.

Download more information HERE.

A fund in which a  broad range of interests and activities may receive grants empowering the community foundation to make strategic grants wherever the greatest need and opportunity exists.

Donations made to an ENDOWMENT fund are intended to be given for perpetuity. The principal funds are invested and only the earnings are available for charitable grants.

Donations made to a NON-ENDOWED fund may be granted at any time per the guidelines of the established fund.

All funds are still subject to donor restrictions or intents per establishing documents.