Helping Sherman County Grow

Sherman County Community Foundation is an Affiliate Foundation of Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation with all funds managed by GNWKCF.


Our top picks for you

SCCF Grant Workshop

SCCF hosted a Grant Writing Workshop where we learned from Betsy Wearing of the Dane G. Hansen Foundation and Carol Sloper of the Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation. We had a great turn out!

They shared valuable information about how you prepare to write a grant, how to stand out in the grant application pools, and where to find funding sources.


Find out more about Sherman County Community Foundation

About the Foundation

Sherman County Community Foundation became an affiliate of GNWKCF in 2012. An affiliate is a collection of community funds to increase philanthropic giving in a geographic area. Both endowed and non-endowed funds are developed to provide financial support to 501(c)(3) and other qualifying nonprofit organizations and for charitable purposes to benefit area residents.

The Sherman County Community Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the community for present and future generations. The Foundation is a nonprofit vehicle for all means to make a lasting difference in our community. It is the goal of the Foundation to provide leadership and act as a catalyst in identifying and addressing evolving community needs.


Learn about the team behind Sherman County Community Foundation

Tina Wolak


Candi Owens


Melanie Daise


Jeff Deeds

Board Secretary / Treasurer

Jeff Bhend

Board Member

Jessica Cole

Board Member

Dax Ruhs

Board Member

Cash Schilling

Board Member

Katherine Davis

Board Member


Foundations highlights and happenings around Northwest Kansas


Get in touch with Sherman County Community Foundation

Sherman County Community Foundation
PO Box 888

110 East 11th Street
Goodland, KS 67735
785-734-2406 (GNWKCF – Phone)

[email protected]

Learn More

Find out more about opportunities to get involved

Keep 5 in Kansas

We have an opportunity in Sherman County to turn our hopes for the future into reality! If we capture a portion of the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next – even just 5% – by setting up endowments through the Sherman County Community Foundation, we could provide a permanent source of funding for our local organizations and causes that will greatly improve the lives of the residents of Sherman County.

Types of Funds

Designated Funds

Funds which support a specific charitable organization or community foundation designated in the establishing documents.

A charitable fund in which the donor recommends grants to charitable organizations of his / her choice. Download more information HERE.

A fund established to provide grants to specific causes (not just one specific charity) you designate such as the arts, education, health and human services, a geographic location, or the environment. Download more information HERE.

A fund specific to a named community foundation or charitable organization.

A fund to disburse scholarships to students meeting a set criteria (geographic, field of study, academic performance, community service, etc.), generally on a competitive basis, to be used for educational expenses. Scholarships are made payable to the educational institution on behalf of the student and not payable directly to the student.

Download more information HERE.

A fund in which a  broad range of interests and activities may receive grants empowering the community foundation to make strategic grants wherever the greatest need and opportunity exists.

Donations made to an ENDOWMENT fund are intended to be given for perpetuity. The principal funds are invested and only the earnings are available for charitable grants.

Donations made to a NON-ENDOWED fund may be granted at any time per the guidelines of the established fund.

All funds are still subject to donor restrictions or intents per establishing documents.