Welcome to Osborne County Community Foundation Website!!
Osborne County Community Foundation is an Affiliate Foundation of Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation with all funds managed by GNWKCF.
Osborne County Community Fund
Our top picks for you
Match Month 2
Wondering why you should donate during our Love Your County campaign? Your donation, whether big or small, can make a big impact in Osborne County!
Donate at osbornecc.org or send your donation to OCCF, PO Box 85, Osborne, KS 67473.
During February your donation could be QUADRUPLED thanks to generous matches from other foundations!
OCCF Match Month
The Osborne County Community Foundation awarded a grant to the City of Downs to assist with family entertainment and advertising for the 2023 Downs Celebration. Amanda Burda, Downs Chamber President, said, “The yearly town festival has been a huge success since 1879. Class reunions gather; there is a huge parade where the streets are filled for blocks with people; there is the smell of the Lions Club hamburgers that we have loved since we were small children. Local organizations can sell homemade ice cream and pie. This is what small-town living is all about.” Grants like this are made possible by the generous donors of Osborne County. Donations can be sent to OCCF, PO Box 85, Osborne, KS 67473 or donate online at osbornecc.org.
Every dollar raised can have a $4 impact thanks to matches by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation and the Patterson Family Foundation! Let’s keep it going, Osborne County!
Give online today at osbornecc.org or mail your donation to OCCF, PO Box 85, Osborne, KS 67473.
#29DaysOflmpact #LoveYourCounty.
OCCF Match Month
Love Your County
February is the most exciting month of the year for the Osborne County Community Foundation, and it is quickly approaching! During February, the ‘Love Your County’ Sustainability Campaign takes place and is a chance for all of Osborne County to raise funds to help our county, both now and for future generations. The Patterson Family Foundation has announced a $70,000match for 2024, and the Dane G. Hansen Foundation will match any funds up to$50,000, along with another $50,000 for administration funds. This means that every dollar received has the potential to be matched at 300%! Donations go into an endowed fund, and grants are given from the interest, ensuring that funds for our county will be there in perpetuity. $5, $50, $500…gifts given now have the amazing potential to help our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so forth! In 2023 donors gave almost $95,000; what can Osborne County do in 2024?
During the month of February, you will see Grant Recipient signs all over Osborne County. Each of these signs represents an organization that has received a grant from OCCF. Since its inception in 2017, over 200 grants have been given in Osborne County to schools, churches, libraries, thrift stores, Scouts, city projects and other non-profit organizations. Our schools have received grants for reading programs, technology, workshop upgrades, and more. Our cities have received upgrades to buildings, and beautification projects have been undertaken. Churches have been able to upgrade and maintain facilities, ensuring they will be able to continue serving our county for decades to come. Children’s programs, such as Scouts, football for younger kids, robotics, library programs, and summer programs, have benefited from grants from OCCF. Does all this sound like bragging? It is…bragging on the people of Osborne County who have so generously given over the past seven years to make all this possible!
Every gift given in February will be a blessing to our county, no matter how big or how small. Donors who give a donation of $500 or more by February 15th will receive a gift from OCCF.
For seven years Osborne County has rallied behind the ‘Love Your County’ Sustainability Campaign. Let’s make this year the best one yet! To donate online, visit Osborneccf.org. Checks can be mailed to Osborne County Community Foundation, P.O. Box 85, Osborne, KS 67473 orby clicking on the link below.
Apply now ! Grants submitted between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29 will be reviewed in March! What great ideas do you have for our county?
Ag and FFA Fund
OCCF has anew fund! The Osborne County Ag and FFA Programs Fund. This fund has been established as a quasi-endowed fund. This means each year a grant to USD 392 Ag and FFA Programs will be made eligible from the available endowment balance. This grant is computed annually based upon the current spending policy of the foundation (currently 5% of the average past three year-end Fund balances). The advisory committee for this fund can accept the grant, or if the full allotted 5% isn’t deemed necessary, then the unused balance would remain in the fund for growth. On the flipside, if the school program identifies a larger need or special request for funds, there is flexibility to award more than the 5% if the advisory committee identifies and establishes an appropriate project or need exists. The goal is to grow this fund and have a place for people or businesses to give if they want to support future Ag and FFA Programs at USD 392. Please note, any memorial or gift should be made to OCCF with a note that it is for OSBORNE COUNTY AG and FFA PROGRAMS Fund. Donations can also be made online at Osborneccf.org. Checks should NOT be made out to USD 392.
By partnering with the local Foundation to maintain and administer charitable funds, ensuring that they are used in accordance with the donor’s wishes, community members and alumnus of the district can make a meaningful impact on the lives of students and the community as a whole. The Foundation helps facilitate the process of funding an endowment for student success through scholarships or distributing charitable funds for specific projects within the school district, like school improvements or other special interest projects. Scholarship funds can be created with an initial investment of $25,000 and special interest funds with an initial investment of $10,000.
To learn more about the Osborne County Community Foundation, visit their website at osborneccf.org or connect with them on Facebook or Instagram under Osborne County Community Foundation -Kansas. For direct inquiries, OCCF can be reached via email at [email protected] or by calling 785-345-5130.
Roland D. Rothenberger
The Osborne County Community Foundation has an exciting announcement to share in conjunction with USD 392. OCCF now has their first scholarship fund, the Rothenberger Scholarship Fund. This fund is made possible by a very generous donation in memory of: “Red” Roland D. Rothenberger, Class of 1954; Sharon Lou Ray Rothenberger, Class of 1957; and Barbara JoAnn Rothenberger, Class of 1948. Scholarships will be in the amount of $1,250.00, and one or more awardees will be selected per year. Students graduating from USD 392 who are planning to attend Fort Hays State University (preference of majoring in education) OR Kansas State University (preference of majoring in engineering)are invited to apply at osborneccf.org. Students will need to create an account, take an eligibility quiz, then fill out the application. The deadline to apply is by end of day April 1.
OCCF Finishes Up Fall Grant Cycle
OCCF Finishes Up Fall Grant Cycle
Osborne County Official Relocation Guide
If you are looking to relocate to Osborne County, we have you covered. Find all the information you need here.
New Look!!
We have updated our logo but our mission remains 100% county focused!!!
Visit Osborne County today!
Where small town values are common, hard work ethic is instilled, and everyday beauty of the outdoors is enjoyed by all.
Visit Osborne County today!
Find out more about Osborne County Community Foundation
About the Foundation
Learn about the team behind Osborne County Community Foundation
Mindy Miller
Executive Director
Ginger Howell
Board Chair
Jill Koeling
Alyssa Carswell
Board Member
Heather Hancock
Board Member
Roger Hobrock
Board Member
Savana LaRosh
Board Member
Carol Noel
Board Member
Nadine Sigle
Board Member
Amy Doane
Board Member
Kristal Stanton
Board Member
Discover Osborne County Community Foundation's impact on the community
Get in touch with Osborne County Community Foundation
PO Box 85
Osborne, KS 67473
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Keep 5 in Kansas
We have an opportunity in Osborne County to turn our hopes for the future into reality! If we capture a portion of the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next – even just 5% – by setting up endowments through the Osborne County Community Foundation, we could provide a permanent source of funding for our local organizations and causes that will greatly improve the lives of the residents of Osborne County.
Donor Advised Funds (DAF’s)
Donors receive charitable gift receipts for the contributions to their established DAF. The fund is normally named in someone’s memory or established as a “Family Fund”, however, the donor(s) may personalize as they wish. The donor(s) are setup as the advisors to their Fund, which allows them to make all grant recommendations from their DAF. Grant recommendations must be to qualifying charitable 501(c)(3) organizations, educational, government or religious entities per IRS rules. The donor(s) may name succeeding generations as successor advisors or transition it to the Foundation to advise over upon donor(s) death.
Contact one of our ACE Foundation board members or staff to learn more, or contact GNWKCF directly at 785-734-2406.
Types of Funds
Designated Funds
Funds which support a specific charitable organization or community foundation designated in the establishing documents.
Donor Advised Funds
A charitable fund in which the donor recommends grants to charitable organizations of his / her choice. Download more information HERE.
Field of Interest Funds
A fund established to provide grants to specific causes (not just one specific charity) you designate such as the arts, education, health and human services, a geographic location, or the environment. Download more information HERE.
Organizational Funds
A fund specific to a named community foundation or charitable organization.
Scholarship Funds
A fund to disburse scholarships to students meeting a set criteria (geographic, field of study, academic performance, community service, etc.), generally on a competitive basis, to be used for educational expenses. Scholarships are made payable to the educational institution on behalf of the student and not payable directly to the student.
Download more information HERE.
Unrestricted Fund
A fund in which a broad range of interests and activities may receive grants empowering the community foundation to make strategic grants wherever the greatest need and opportunity exists.
Endowed vs Non-Endowed
Donations made to an ENDOWMENT fund are intended to be given for perpetuity. The principal funds are invested and only the earnings are available for charitable grants.
Donations made to a NON-ENDOWED fund may be granted at any time per the guidelines of the established fund.
All funds are still subject to donor restrictions or intents per establishing documents.