George and Cooper Gier 4-H Memorial Grant Fund

George and Cooper Gier 4-H Memorial Grant Fund

The Russell County Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce the George and Cooper Gier 4-H Memorial Grant Fund that provides support for youth involved in Russell County 4-H to participate in special 4-H events, such as 4-H camps or state-wide classes. Grants will be made to the Kansas State University Extension Office for this purpose.

George and Cooper Gier, of Russell, Kansas, died in a tragic car accident on February 11, 2022, in rural Russell County. George was a lifelong 4-H member and his son Cooper participated in Fossil Creek 4-H.

โ€œThe community foundation is honored to further the legacy of George and Cooper and help local 4-Hers achieve their dream to Make the Best Better,โ€ said Angie Muller, RCACF Director. โ€œThrough the generosity of this fund, Russell County 4-Hers will enjoy unique educational and enrichment opportunities.โ€

Applications will be reviewed periodically. Upon approval of the request, funds will take 10-14 days for processing and will go directly to the activity provider. To apply, please go to and click under the grants tab. Contact Angie Muller at 785-445- 3611 or [email protected] with any questions.