Helping Bird City Grow

Bird City Century II Development Foundation is a Supporting Foundation of Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation, select funds managed by GNWKCF.

About the Foundation

Bird City Century II Development Foundation was founded on December 17, 1985 with remaining funds from the Bird City centennial celebration earlier that year. The Foundation was organized for the betterment and benefit of the Bird City community, and continues to function as such.

In 2009, the Bird City Century II Development Foundation became the founding affiliate of GNWKCF. An affiliate is a collection of community funds to increase philanthropic giving in a geographic area. Both endowed and non-endowed funds are developed to provide financial support to 501(c)(3) and other qualifying nonprofit organizations and for charitable purposes to benefit area residents.

On January 1, 2022, Bird City Century II Development Foundation transitioned to a Supporting Organization of GNWKCF after receiving their 509(a)(3) – a subsection of a 501(c)(3) – status change from the IRS.

The Bird City Century II Development Foundation is a community foundation which represents an opportunity for all friends of the Bird City community to give, through philanthropy, back to the Bird City community to enhance and ensure the quality of life for present and future generations of Bird City.

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Discover Bird City Century II Development Foundation's impact on the community


Learn about the team behind Bird City Century II Development Foundation

Teryn Carmichael

Foundation Director

Judy Waters

Administrative Assistant

Ned Smith

Board Chair

Bridget Pochop

Board Vice-Chair

Amanda Boone

Board Secretary

Cliff Leach

Board Treasurer

Lori Janicke

Board Member

Rod Young

Board Member

Cindy Burr

Board Member

Brenda Johnson

Board Member

Doug Flemming

Board Member


Get in touch with Us

Bird City Century II
107 West Bressler
PO Box 174
Bird City, KS 67731

785-734-2556 (Phone)
785-734-2536 (Fax)

[email protected]

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Keep 5 in Kansas

We have an opportunity in Cheyenne County to turn our hopes for the future into reality! If we capture a portion of the transfer of wealth from one generation to the next – even just 5% – by setting up endowments through the Bird City Century II Foundation, we could provide a permanent source of funding for our local organizations and causes that will greatly improve the lives of the residents of Cheyenne County.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF’s)

Donors receive charitable gift receipts for the contributions to their established DAF. The fund is normally named in someone’s memory or established as a “Family Fund”, however, the donor(s) may personalize as they wish. The donor(s) are setup as the advisors to their Fund, which allows them to make all grant recommendations from their DAF. Grant recommendations must be to qualifying charitable 501(c)(3) organizations, educational, government or religious entities per IRS rules. The donor(s) may name succeeding generations as successor advisors or transition it to the Foundation to advise over upon donor(s) death.

Contact one of our Bird City Century II Foundation board members or staff to learn more, or contact GNWKCF directly at 785-734-2406.