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Our Northwest Kansas communities are strong and resilient even in this time of uncertainty due to natural disasters.

The Russell County Area Community Foundation has established the Russell County Disaster Relief Fund to meet the emergency needs of Russell County. The fund will be able to grant immediate money to nonprofit organizations offering relief services in impacted areas following a major emergency, like the windstorm and wildfires our region experienced in December 2021.

We thank you for joining us in this important effort.

Transactions are generally processed within one to three days. A donation receipt for donations of $250 or more will be mailed to the address entered on this form within 30 days or less of receipt.  If you enter a valid email address on this donation form, you will receive a confirmation email including a donation receipt regarding this transaction. The designated fund will be charged a small transaction fee based on the merchant credit card interchange rate and transaction fee, generally between 2 to 3%,  for donations made online.

Please complete the information on this page and click Donate Now to complete the secure donation.

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For donations made using the www.gnwkcf.org website, if you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to GNWKCF.org, we will honor your request for a refund made within 15 days of your donation.

To request a refund, call +1 (785) 734-2406. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.

Note: This website  uses a basic SSL secure system (2048+ Bit SHA2 SSL/TLS Public Key Encryption) and is hosted by Webflow. All donations are accepted in U.S. Currency.  Each donor who enters their own credit/debit card information directly online is entering his/her data into a secure web portal provided by Stripe.  The Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation assumes no liability for credit/debit card information provided by the donor to a third party. Personal contact information is used for credit card verification and donor tax receipts only.